2024-25 Treehouse Registration
Welcome to Treehouse's registration page! Treehouse is currently full, and our waitlist is closed. We appreciate your understanding.
Summer 2025 Treehouse Registration
Public Opens: March 10, 2025, at 10 a.m.
(Current families will have pre-registration prior to the public date)
(Current families will have pre-registration prior to the public date)
Note: For fifth and sixth graders, visit Community Ed's website in April 2025 for details about its summer recreation options.
Fall 2025-26 Treehouse Registration
Public Opens: May 5, 2025, at 10 a.m.
(Current families will have pre-registration prior to the public date)
(Current families will have pre-registration prior to the public date)
GPS staff: If you are a Treehouse client, a list of benefits and expectations is available in your employee Google Drive. Use this link and sign in with your work email credentials to view the list.